Deploy Map3 Edge on AWS

Deploy Map3 Edge On Amazon AWS

Step1: Create an account and Key Pair

Step2: Deploy Map3 edge node

Tip. 1 Enter you public IP(IPV4 ONLY) on your browser, you can see your own map node dashboard. The username and password for dashboard is “admin

Tip. 2 Once you deploy the node, you don’t have to always keep your computers live or AWS account logged in.

Tip. 3 You can raise as many Map 3 notes as you wish as long as you follow the instruction above. But please note that Amazon might charge you for this as t2.micro has limited free usage and bandwidth.

Step3: How to delete a node

  • Click “Create Stack”dropdown menu, and choose delete Stack
  • Click “Yes, Delete” to delete Stack
  • Confirm your status


《Deploy Map3 Edge on AWS》 陈斌 采用 知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。