Deploy Map3 Edge on AliCloud

Deploy Map3 Edge On AliCloud

Step1: Create an account

  • Please refer to Aliyun’s official instructions to create your account. For more details please click

Step2: Deploy Map3 edge node

Pre-requisite: you need to deposit at least 100 RMB in Aliyun account to deploy an edge node

If the information filled is correct, webpage will jump to “Request Submitted Successfully”. On this page, click “Go to the Events List” to check details of node deployment

“Events List” page will present your node progress. When webpage (will automatically refresh) shows “Stack CREATE Completed” (normally it takes 3-5 min), it means your edge node has been successfully deployed. Click the link in “Related Resource ID” to check “Stack Overview”

In “Stack Overview” can find the “PublicIp” of the Map3 node just created. IP can be used to view the map service status you initiated

Copy “PublicIp” and paste the address to browser to visit Map services. Pls fill in your contact details in “Support us” and click submit. We will contact you when edge node technology is updated.

Click the right corner to view individual node Dashboard, both login name and password for dashboard are “admin”

Step3: Switch “Instance Settings” from bandwidth to subscriptions

Visit Instance Page via the link below (The example is HK):

Click the click “More” at the right side, and click Instance Settings – Switch to Subscription

In the pop-up page, click “Please click Batch Change”

On pop-up page, choose your preferred service length, and tick “Switch to subscription disk”, and click “OK”.

Now your edge node deployment is complete.

Options: To delete a Node
Please follow the instructions below to delete an edge node

On the page of “Stack Management”, click to “delete” the node stack you request

It takes 1-2 minutes to delete a node


Please send your inquiries to Hyperion Forum via if you have encountered any problems. Or send an email to for technical issues.


《Deploy Map3 Edge on AliCloud》 陈斌 采用 知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。